A Bruxelles ho ribadito le irregolarità nella gestione dei Lockdown in Italia

In commissione COVI ho ribadito la gravità di quanto è successo in Italia nel periodo del Lockdown. Segue il testo del mio intervento tradotto in inglese ed il video in originale in italiano.
According to my experience regarding the Italian government and the control on it by the
Italian Parliament, I can testify that there were impressive gaps. Parliament's control was just
inhibited, as in the first phase of the pandemic the government ordered the restrictions by
means of DPCMs, i.e. decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers, which were not
even submitted to the control of the Council of Ministers. Then it proceeded, both with
DCPMs and with decree-laws, on which Parliament's control was only ex post.
By these tools, beyond any parliamentary scrutiny nor any parliamentary interlocution,
draconian restrictions were imposed: lockdowns, curfews and also, above all, severe
discrimination between vaccinated and non-vaccinated persons, by the so-called “super green
pass”, i.e. the enhanced Covid certificate, whereby only vaccinated or people recovered not
earlier than three months before were allowed to carry out all the activities connected to their
fundamental rights. These measures, as has already been said, were adopted with no scientific
basis, as it was later confirmed that these vaccines do not prevent contagion and infection.
The whole management of the vaccination campaign was entrusted to the military, with the
lack of any transparency; scientific debate was denied; street protests were repressed with
unprecedented violence by the forces of law and order. Every request from civil society to
revise these positions was ignored and branded as disinformation, and finally vaccine
mandates were imposed for all people older than fifty, being in force till a few months ago.
I think that in Italy we haven’t experimented anything like that since the post-war period.
M. Chiru – Oxford University, author of the study:
For Mr Donato: the study focuses on the crisis of the Prime Minister and the problematic
behaviours related to certain behaviours.