Strasbourg: Our fight for freedom, health, transparency and justice goes on

Con alcuni dei colleghi del gruppo MEP’S MEPs’ Alliance for Liberty (Alleanza per la Libertà): Cristian Terhes – Romania, Ivan Sinčič, – Croatia, Virginie Joron – France, Christine Anderson – Germany,
abbiamo tenuto una conferenza stampa a Strasburgo per affermare che la nostra lotta per la libertà, la salute, la trasparenza e la giustizia continua.
Qui il video integrale della conferenza stampa.
With colleagues from our group “MEP’S Alliance for Liberty”: Cristian Terhes – Romania, Ivan Sinčič, – Croatia, Virginie Joron – France, Christine Anderson – Germany,
I spoke at a press conference in Strasbourg to affirm that our fight for freedom, health, transparency and justice goes on.
Here is the full video of out press conference.
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